Here's a surprising way to reduce your auto insurance premiums.
Did you know you can shave a nice chunk of money off your auto insurance when you complete a Mature Driver Improvement course? It’s true. Some companies offer up to 15% savings and it’s so easy to do. Many DMV-approved courses are available online, and you can take and complete the course online at your own pace. Some offer refresher courses for renewing your driver’s license, helping you to keep driving.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Start with your own insurance company. Visit their website and look for any Mature Driver courses they may offer.
- Search for alternate courses on the web – there are dozens. Simply type “mature driver improvement course in Iowa” into the search bar.
- Consider timing the course just prior to when you have to renew your driver’s license so you are aware of changes to state laws and new regulations.
- The online courses are easy and inexpensive, and you complete them at your own rate to suit your schedule.
- They are available at certain driving schools if you prefer to attend an in-person class. (Also listed online.)
- Most courses include information about new laws and driving restrictions, foul weather and seasonal driving, and ways to solve minor mechanical problems. You can also learn about Child Safety Equipment and current trends in driving and navigating in heavy traffic.
- When you receive your Mature Driver Certification, submit it to your insurance company and request your discount but check with your company first for details.
How we drive today has changed a lot since you first learned how. Driving has become more challenging and complicated, and it can turn you off from taking the car altogether. The emotional and physical toll can present problems for many. Explore ways to give yourself a relaxed, self-paced update on what’s happening on the road and how you can keep your safety and the safety of your passengers first. It feels good, and it can save you money. One place to start your search is Happy motoring!